We have been privileged to work with a wide range of building users over the last twenty
years. Our clients include owners of civic buildings and country houses, religious
institutions and parish councils, property developers, local authorities and county
councils, commercial and financial institutions, the Heritage Council and other State
Agencies. On a consultancy basis, we also provide advice to other architectural
practices engaged on conservation projects and work at varying levels of collaboration
with other architectural firms.
Our work for the Office of Public Works has included acting as executive architects for
works to Leinster House, and acting as conservation architects for two additions to the
National Museum Collins Barracks: the Military History Museum and the new Central
block, as well as recently completed works to Kilfenora Cathedral in Co. Clare.
Additional survey work and inspections have been carried out for this client at
Castletown House, Great Blasket Island and the Billets at Government Buildings. We are
currently acting as conservation architects at Castletown House, and are acting as
executive architects for proposed new offices for the Director of Public Prosecutions.
We have been engaged as Architectural Conservation Advisers for the review of the Dublin Docklands Planning Scheme. On behalf of Dublin City Council, we have acted as
Conservation Architects for the restoration of The Halfpenny Bridge and Dublin City Hall
as well as the La Touche Bridge, McMahon Bridge and the Hugh Lane Gallery. In 2007,
Dublin City Hall was awarded the RIAI Silver Medal 1999-2001. We are also regularly
engaged by Dublin City Council in the preparation of conservation reports and inspections for conservation grant purposes. We have carried out a number of architectural conservation area appraisals of Foxrock, Co Dublin on behalf of Dunlaoghaire/
Rathdown Co. Council and an architectural inventory of Spiddal, Co. Galway on behalf
of Galway Co. Council.